Inspiration for Influencers: Food Genre – August 1-7, 2021

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Photo by Ella Olsson on

7 Days – August 1-7

The week of August 1-7 is loaded with great topics for your blogs, YoutTube videos, IG feed, and everywhere else you are influencing the world. The Olympics are still going on in Tokyo, featuring volleyball, BMX freestyle, diving, weightlifting, and boxing. There are several back to back food holidays and the United States has both National IPA and National Beer Day this week.

The 2020 Olympics mean that your brand can push food content with blue, yellow, black, green, and red colors. Sounds like a great opportunity to spotlight a fiesta bowl with a blue margarita, doesn’t it? But think more outside the box.

August 1, 2021

1. You have the opportunity to also explore the diet choices of Olympic athletes at the Olympic village. From past competitors like Michael Phelps and his 8,000-10,000 calories per day diet, to Simon Bile’s favorite pizza. There are number outs interviews ready for you to dig into!

3. August 1 features the Olympic Men’s Beach Volleyball competition so try to talk about the Best Beach Drinks. Or really anything that you would consume on the beach.Pushing the “beach” term should boost your SEO that day.

4. August 1 is also National Raspberry Cream Pie Day, so why haven’t you put a recipe out for that yet?!

5. Make some Bannock bread for Lughnasa! It’s the Irish kick off to Autumn. Also for Lughnasa, Irish pub food and drinks will be great topics for your videos, photos, and blogs.

August 2, 2021

1. National Ice Cream Sandwich Day in August 2. So make sure you post a general message about that!

2. Find 5-10 great ice cream sandwich recipes you could rewrite a post for or test out in a video. Share the recipes as separate or group Pinterest pins and direct people to your site or video.

3. If you have have never tried an ice cream sandwich cake, stop reading now and make one. You won’t regret it and neither will your audience!

4. All those calories leads us to another topic: What fitness and calorie trackers do the Olympic champions use?

5. There’s still a little more time before summer ends so you should emphasize “last minute” weight loss plans and the foods that go with them. Do people ever stop searching for weight loss?

August 3, 2021

1. Nothing says summer like Watermelon Day!

2. Grab Some Nuts Day is also on 8/3 where you could highlight some prepackaged mixed nuts mixes, or create your own. A TikTok video or YouTube Short would would be effective.

3. Let’s hit on the 2020 Olympics again and cover Olympic Party Drinks. From kids drinks to alcoholic beverages, just focus on keeping the five main colors.

4. Squiggle Designs – Pinterest is predicting squiggle nails to be a hot trend. So you can bet “squiggle” and “squiggles” will peak by themselves. Why not through squiggles on cupcakes?

5. Combine squiggles, nuts and the Olympics and you end up some unique ice cream sundaes as well!

August 4, 2021

1. It’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! First things first, let’s just say: recipes. You know this.

2. Second, write about the origin of the chocolate cookie. You can look at the origin of the cookie itself and/or explore how all the ingredients came together when old world met new world.

3. How about a comparison of the best restaurant cookies? How does Crumbl compare with, say, Subway, in the chocolate chip cookie category?

4. Off the shelf cookies compared to refrigerated dough compared to scratch made.

5. And hey, it’s still the Olympics so lets make some Olympic Rings cookies. I’d probably use sugar cookies for this with colored sprinkles. Simple and easy.

August 5, 2021

1. With August 5 being Oyster Day, how about writing a beginner’s guide to preparing oysters?

2. Choose some of the best places to get oysters in your location. Maybe a bit of a travel guide to find the best restaurants that serve oysters is just what someone needs for a date night.

3. August 5 is also IPA Day. Jump on that craft beer craze. You may even be able to team up with a local craft beer company to highlight their top selling IPA.

4. If you can’t team up with a distributor, do an interview with some local pubs and nightclubs.

5. What are the best dishes to cook with IPAs? Imagine throwing some into a Ninja Foodi or Instant Pot with pot roast!

August 6, 2021

1. National Beer Day in the USA is August 6. Need I say more? Take the same approach to National Beer Day as National IPA Day above.

2. It’s also Root Beer Float Day. Get creative with some family friendly treats!

3. Also… it’s Fresh Breathe Day. The obvious topic to cover would be gum and things like that, but…

4. Why not do a feature on minty treats? Peppermint milkshakes, mojitos, and mint chocolate chip ice cream sound like fun!

5. Have any Olympic athletes done sponsorships in gum commercials? It’s worth a little digging to find out.

August 7, 2021

1. Welcome to National Mustard Day in the US. Let’s do a grill out day to feature hot dogs and hamburgers with that golden yellow on your cover photos.

2. But mustard is more than the yellow we are used to seeing. It’s also horseradish and wasabi and Grey Poupon! So you definitely need to talk about some sandwiches to wrap up this week.

3. Wasabi and sushi go hand in hand so here’s another great topic for the day. On a funny note, a video asking, “how much wasabi is too much?” could snag a lot of likes!

4. It’s also National Jamaican Patty Day and if you have never had one, I highly recommend. A post on Jamaican patties, tied with Jamaican cooking methods would be awesome subscriber material if you ask us.

5. Jamaican Patty Day also leads us to reggae music and the colors of the Jamaican flag – green, yellow and black. Maybe you can design a family Jamaican night and sit around a table with Bob Marley in the background. There’s so much to choose from, but we don’t have space left!

Wrapping Up

That’s if for this week’s Food Genre post. If you have any other ideas, leave a message or comment! No get out there and create!

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